Reflections Upon Japan’s Catastrophe

I am haunted by the images and videos of tsunami waves sweeping over towns, neighborhoods and agricultural land in Japan.

My great sadness is that for millions of people, a way of life has been obliterated. Homes, possessions, roads, storefronts and businesses only touch the surface. Gone also are those deep cultural aspects that create a tightly knitted web of connectivity — a legacy, heritage, way of daily living that enriches life beyond possessions.

Gone are the small, quaint gardens that allowed one to grow a few flowers and vegetables, and to reverence Nature as a hobby or craft. Gone are the shrines that allowed one a wayside for gratitude and spiritual practice. Gone are the beautifully created gardens often unique to those shrines, created in Japanese style. Gone are places to worship and admire. Continue reading

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Attunement: Become an Instrument of Peace

Every moment can be a haven of peace if you wish to make it so, a gentle retreat from the idea that your own self will is what is directing your life. If you can simply cultivate seeing and feeling yourself, from this moment, as a willing instrument of peace, joy, and love for all, you won’t have to try so hard to make it happen.

When you are engaged in effortless effort through attunement with the Divine, then you truly become a living sanctuary that others can readily perceive, like the glow of a candle that draws the world-weary to your door. That glow penetrates deep forests of sadness and dense thickets of tangled desires. It suffuses warmth into cold hearts and soothes aching bodies, tired minds.

Once you experience the wonder and satisfaction of illuminating the path for someone in need, through perhaps the simplest kind act, you will want to do so again and again. And, you will want even more to keep your own self clear and strong, knowing that a finely tuned instrument produces the purest sound, that a clean lamp shines forth the brightest light.

Doing just a little good, now and then, in this wounded world that requires so much help, will cease to satisfy you one day. When that time comes, you will embrace the reality that you can only be truly happy when you are working everyday for the well-being of others. To serve in such a selfless way is an incomparable blessing upon the world and upon your own soul. Behind that feeling of sanctuary, for which we all yearn, is none other than the luminous face of Father/Mother God, drawing you back, drawing each of us back to our real home in Spirit. Let us take the journey together.

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Livelihood Prayer

One of the most important decisions we make in life is that of livelihood. Livelihood is not simply a question of what we are going to be when we grow up. When we emphasize the concepts of a vocation, field of work, or a job, we often attach an identity. This identity may fuel our ego, or drive our pursuit for attention, money and the like. However, with such emphasis, we may be setting ourselves up for a let down. We may lose our job, or even retire, and thus feel a sense of worthlessness, loss of identity, or depression.

The idea of livelihood has nobility built within it. Buddhism speaks of Right Livelihood. It is characterized by an engagement in activity or effort, knowing that it enriches the unique character of one’s spirit — one would do it whether for money or not, whether it gives one attention, without a sense of extrinsic reward. Continue reading

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Welcome to A Reverent Life

Amidst the perspiration of life is the need for inspiration. It is vital to our overall wellness to find ways to heal, regenerate and celebrate life on Earth. Accordingly, we are always in need of joy and to serve others joyfully.

A reverent life is one that embraces beauty, hope, peace and joy. It is driven by a generous spirit and a compassionate heart. It is a constant flame serving to enlighten this Earthly journey and to help others on theirs.

The world today is in great upheaval. Irreverence  for life can be felt among humans, Nature, and all creatures large and small. Think of this Blog as a small island of grace in your day — an intimate sanctuary to reacquaint you with awe and wonder and gratitude, but also to remind you, with wit and humor, that irreverence can be an amazing and perhaps necessary teacher sometimes in our life, helping us to be even more devoted to living honorably and compassionately.

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Reverence: A Way to Peace

The great awakening of our time is that we are inseparable from each other. It is as if we are part of a vast Web of Life, and our desires and actions vibrate and effect all beings and nature in this planetary community. Physician Dr. Larry Dossey reminds us: “There is only one valid way to partake of the universe — whether the partaking is of food and water, the love of another, or indeed, a pill. That way is characterized by reverence — a reverence born of a felt sense of participation in the universe, of a kinship with all others and with matter.”

  • Do you believe you have been dealt an unfair hand: that life seems to be filled with struggle and disappointment? Or,
    Do you have a renewable sense of enchantment with the world, a feeling that life is so special, in spite of apparent injustices and suffering, that it simply cannot be squandered?

  • Do you believe that your job, money, recreational activities, and the items you purchase and use are a measure of the success of your life? Or,
    Do you feel that self-worth is really about how you honor and respect all aspects of life without doing any harm? Continue reading
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